
Elisa graduates!!! her thesis: “Spot Sportily Together: integrated sport for a social future-the constructive relationship between sport and disability” is the result of the research project born within the spot project.

Thanks to her participation in the Local Observatory of Integrated and Inclusive Sport, she is resulted in a research questionnaire consisting of 15 questions sent to two local schools. Search tool enabled students to express their opinions and thoughts on how they perceive sport.

The questionnaire and the data were made available to the Observatory team and the researcher of the University of Urbino Angela Genova.

The results of the questionnaires were processed in such a way as to show a picture of the territorial situation and the problems that emerged.

This experience allowed the students to reflect on the issue proposal and moreover, it was an opportunity for comparison and debate in the various moments of sharing the project.

Only through a thorough awareness of local needs is possible to implement effective interventions capable of making concrete contributions improvements in community life.

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